We Are What We Stand On, Contents


Author: Alistair Knox

The Evocative Panorama
Justus Jorgensen and Montsalvat
The Metamorphosis of the Middle Class
The Pise-de-terre Connection
Early Building Experiences
Historic Landmarks
The Beginnings of the Mud Brick Revival
Professional Mud Brick Building
Aims Objectives and Spiritual Conflicts
The Tarnagulla Dunolly Moliagul Triangle
Mud Brick Builders of Colour, Culture and Accomplishment
The Socio-Aesthetic Society
The Renaissance of the Australian Film Industry
The Impact of the Environment on the Eltham Inhabitants
The Impact of the Eltham Inhabitants on the Environment
The Rediscovery of the Indigenous Landscape
The Dunmoochin Episode
The Dunmoochin Potters
Clifton Pugh's Success Story
Games They Played
The Coming of the Corporate State

Dedicated to the members of the Eltham Community who between 1945 and 1960 were not a group divided into rich and poor, young and old, wise and simple, but were one united people who advanced an Australian way of life in a way that has not been equalled anywhere else on the Continent.


Permission to reproduce the photographs used to illustrate this book is gratefully acknowledged to the following photographers:
Sandra Irvine
L. Runting
G. Bartley
Eltham Film Productions
Ron Jelbart

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