Dome - 7

Client: Wong
Address: 24 Park Rd, Donvale. 3111 VIC
Year Built: 1958
Job Number: D7
Description: Concrete slab. Four foot module, glazed timber frames, brick infill. Non-load bearing internal stud walls lined with V jointed leather-patterned tempered masonite. Brick chimney. Low pitched stramit ceiling, supported on exposed dressed oregon beams. Roof malthoid and creek gravel usually replaced with Klip-Lock steel sheeting.

Drawing Location: RMIT Design Archive
1: Original plan
2: Revised plan

Keywords: hillcrest,modular

Wong house 24 Park Rd, Donvale. VIC 3111. Part of the Hillcrest Estate designed and built by Alistair Knox circa 1958 job number D7 Rear 24 Park Rd from Lisbeth Ave Photo: Tony Knox
Wong house 24 Park Rd, Donvale. VIC 3111. Part of the Hillcrest Estate designed and built by Alistair Knox circa 1958 job number D7 Lounge Photo: Tony Knox
Wong house 24 Park Rd, Donvale. VIC 3111. Part of the Hillcrest Estate designed and built by Alistair Knox circa 1958 job number D7 Lounge Photo: Tony Knox
Wong house 24 Park Rd, Donvale. VIC 3111. Part of the Hillcrest Estate designed and built by Alistair Knox circa 1958 job number D7 Kitchen Photo: Tony Knox
Wong house 24 Park Rd, Donvale. VIC 3111. Part of the Hillcrest Estate designed and built by Alistair Knox circa 1958 job number D7 Rear Photo: Tony Knox
Wong house 24 Park Rd, Donvale. VIC 3111. Part of the Hillcrest Estate designed and built by Alistair Knox circa 1958 job number D7 Photo: Tony Knox

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